Rebounder - Mini Trampoline What is it and its Benefits?

Rebounder - Mini Trampoline  What is it and its Benefits?
Photo by Memento Media / Unsplash

Jump on it! Jump on a trampoline for profound health benefits disguised within an enjoyable, bouncy workout.

Rebounding (the act of jumping on a rebounder) is a full-body workout that impacts — you guessed it — your entire body. Here are some of the known health benefits of jumping on a mini-trampoline.


1. Builds strength

Unlike targeted training, jumping requires the use of multiple muscles. When you jump, you use the entire body's momentum, which forces your different muscles to work simultaneously.

All that up-and-down works everything from your abs and glutes to your leg and back muscles, building a solid core and beyond.

2. Improves bone density

As we age, our bones become more fragile, and it's essential to start exercising to improve our bone density.

One study found that competitive trampolinists had higher bone density at the hip and spine than their peers. Of course, most people aren't competitive trampolinists — but the data suggests that regular trampolining can help strengthen your bones, which lessens your chances of osteoporosis.

3. Betters your balance

As we age, we're prone to decreased bone density, which can increase the likelihood of getting injured during a fall. But one study found that 14 weeks of mini-trampoline exercises increased seniors' ability to regain their balance before falling by about 35%.

Rebounding is associated with better balance, coordination, and motor skills, which can be especially important for people at risk of falling.

4. Good for your heart

Cardio activity strengthens the heart muscles and decreases the work your body has to do to pump blood. This can lower your:

  • Resting heart rate.
  • Cholesterol levels.
  • Triglyceride levels.

All of these are, of course, excellent news for your overall heart health.

5. Relieves stress

There may be something to the phrase "jump for joy." Exercise, in general, is associated with stress relief because it releases endorphins — natural substances that help you feel better and maintain a positive attitude.

Rebounding is specifically associated with stress relief because of its unique impact on your body.

Getting started with mini-trampoline workouts

Ready to jump to it? Here are a few tips for rebounding beginners:

  • Maintain your balance: If you're worried about slipping on the rebounder, try jumping barefoot or in a pair of grippy socks, which will help stabilize you.
  • Begin with the basics: "Simple but impactful moves like jumping jacks and jogging in place can help acclimate you to the mini-trampoline," Lyons says.
  • Find a class: Depending on where you live, you may be able to take an in-person group fitness class, sometimes listed as mini-trampoline or rebounding classes.
  • Please keep it away from kids: Like giant outdoor trampolines, even small rebounders can pose a danger to children, especially those under age 6, so store your equipment someplace where little ones can't access it.
If you have concerns about your ability to use a rebounder or how it may impact your body, check with your doctor before getting started.

What to look for in a mini-trampoline

  • The ideal trampoline for rebounding should have sturdy, stable legs. The circumference often falls between 36 and 48 inches (1 and 1.2 meters).
  • It should be able to hold adult weight at a minimum of 220 to 250 pounds (100 to 113 kg). You'll likely notice that more giant trampolines can support more weight.
  • Quiet performance, meaning elastic cords don't make noise when you bounce, is another nice feature.
  • If you're short on space, you may want to consider a foldable model that easily stows away. Some mini-trampolines come with a handlebar, which can be handy for a beginner. You may even come across a few with a built-in tracker to record your jumps per minute and calories burned.
I bought mine in 2020 and still rebound every day. It was the best investment I made for myself! I couldn't be more satisfied with this rebounder.

Here, you can check out some highly rated options at various price points.

Jumpsport 250 Fitness Trampoline

For USA buyers

Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline

Embrace your workout, have fun and enjoy the process!
